Social Media
These are unofficial results since we didn’t do a thorough test, nonetheless, our comparison of major social media platforms yields one that consistently performs above the rest in terms of attracting engagements. The winner? It’s Instagram. Between...Social Media
When you’re creating strategic direction for business you need to have an overarching vision of what you want to achieve. From there it’s important to use each of your tools in the manner they were created for. (Although take note, ‘hacking’...Social Media
You can now re-tweet without losing your limited response space. Twitter’s new feature enables you to display the RT, but retain your own character space. This will enable you to be more social with your users (and those your re-tweet). Adding a comment,...Social Media
If you’re a small business owner and you don’t believe in the power of social media then here’s a quick story. There are few quaint bookstores with eccentric bookstore owners left in our city of Calgary. One of the last hole in the walls in the...Social Media
Check out this link for an interesting graph from istrategylabs that compares user data from Facebook from 2011 to 2014. The data shows what many have noticed already, it’s uncool to use Facebook. Or at least it’s uncool if you’re under the age of 17...Social Media
As of this moment take a look at your Facebook account and then look at the Groups section. Notice any difference. Wait a minute! You left the group years ago, why are you magically back. Or perhaps you’re a Group administrator and in a blink of an eye all those...