SCC Rules on Whether Hyperlinking is Defamation

An interesting ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada that could’ve impacted the way you blog. The case was between Wayne Crookes, President and sole shareholder of West Coast Title Search and former Green Party Campaign manager, and blogger Jon Newton. The...

Brand Control – Removing Your Name and Info from the Web

As a web marketer I’m aware of all the search parameters, and some insider ones too, used to find info on the web. When it comes to individuals, groups, or brands, I can find out just about anything I want. Little do people know (or maybe we do?) the EXTENT the...

How to Protect Yourself From Content Theft

Matt Cutts, Google search quality control dude, posted this answer on Youtube to a question regarding stolen content (I won’t be discussing stolen images in this article). [youtube=] We’ve all faced this issue,...

Bing Caught With Pants Down – Stealing Google Results

Well maybe a better metaphor is Bing was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Bing (Yahoo now uses Bing to power their results) has been slowly chipping away at Google’s market share perhaps attributed to their improved search results. Well in comes a...

Avoid Domain Registry Canada or Pay 200% more

A number of people have blogged about their resentment towards Domain Registry Canada. Long story short they are a domain registrar, like countless others in Canada, that actually targets .CA registered domain owners with direct mail. The fishy thing is these guys...