Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ serves to inform clients about common search engine optimization questions. If you can't find an answer to your question please contact us.
Q. Where can I review your SEO packages
Because every company and market are unique we believe packaged services are not your best option. Instead Distinct SEO treats each client and project uniquely by creating solutions tailored to the needs of your business. It would be unwise to assume there’s a ‘one-size fits all’ approach to web marketing.
How much does it cost?
Our service offering covers a wide scale. We work with multi-national corporations, and with mom and pop shops down the road. There’s a solution for everyone and we’ll tailor a budget to fit your expectations. We also pride ourselves in tracking our success so you know how much you’re making on your investment.
Tips on choosing a web marketing consulting firm?
Many individuals claim to have expertise in SEO but in reality do not have adequate training and skills necessary excel. Distinct SEO has over 10 years experience in search engine optimization, branding, and business strategy development. Our staff combine this experience with their previous training in the field of business strategy and economics.
Where can I see some of your past results?
We are happy walk clients through our online portfolio upon request. We have a number of web sites competing for very competitive search terms. You may also be interested in visiting our  blog to review some of our online testimonials from current and past SEO clients.
How do I know where my investment dollars are going?
Distinct SEO provides full disclosure of our work offering detailed accounts of work completed, regular  reports of your web site analytics and rankings, and timely replies to your questions. We can track emails, phone calls, PPC leads, and transactions so we have a clear picture how much you’re making for your investment dollars.
I only need some of your SEO services, can I pick and choose?
The nature of the online search industry is dynamic, small items overlooked as a result of poor strategy can be a significant detriment to your web presence. We understand some business owners only need specific expertise be SEO audits, SEO training, branding reviews, and more. Contact us with your request and take advantage of our expertise.
How long will I need consultation?
There’s no one-size fits all approach, however, many of our clients have been with Distinct SEO in excess of 8 years. Why is that? Trust and results. Continually ranking high and attracting new sales is an ongoing business expense. The trick is to ensure that expense is translating into significant revenue. We can help to increase your bottom line.

Contact us with additional questions.

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