Tax Rates for Woocommerce USA and Canada

Woocommerce has an automated tax system that relies on the “bloatware” plugin Jetpack. If you don’t want to use Jetpack you have to input tax rates manually (or use a different plugin). The other options is to upload your own rates via CSV. Here is a...

50% Off Coupon for BOTW – Promo Code BOTW Discount

**Updated 2020** BOTW Coupon – BOTW Discount If directory purchases are still your thing (usually a better bet for industry specific ones), here’s the latest working BOTW (Best of the Web) discount code is: 26YEARS . Use the promo code by following this...
https is here to stay – SSL encouraged for all websites

https is here to stay – SSL encouraged for all websites

Google recently announced that their browser Chrome, will start popping up messages to browsers who encounter unsecured websites starting in July. That means any non-secure website (https://), their visitors using the Chrome browser will get a pop up saying the...

Mobile Devices Now More Popular Than Desktops

Check out this graph from StatCounter. Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Platform Comparison Market Share Mobile devices coupled with tablets now outstrip the use of desktop as the primary device for users. Google unofficially confirmed the results when an...

Banning semalt and buttons-for-websites via .htaccess

If you’re tired of seeing faux results in your Analytics reports and have been looking for a solution to ban the Semalt and buttons-for-websites referrals then here is the .htaccess code I used that worked to completely eliminate bot visits. # Block all http and...

PIPA and SOPA – Info

Don’t think for a moment the actions by the US Congress won’t affect Canadians. You’d be sadly mistaken. Some info on the issue: PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.